What Are the Signs of Online Gambling Addiction?

Online Gambling involves playing games, placing bets and wagering on the outcome of events online. This type of gambling is a major industry that encompasses sports betting, casino games, lottery-like products and more. It is primarily accessible via smartphones, but PCs and laptops remain popular devices for this activity as well. Despite its widespread availability, online gambling is a form of addiction that can affect anyone. Many treatment options are available, including therapy and medication. These treatments can help people overcome their addictive behaviors and manage urges effectively.

Some signs of gambling addiction include the following:

Chasing losses: This is a behavior where individuals continue to gamble in an attempt to recover money lost on previous sessions. This cycle often leads to increased amounts of money spent and higher stakes. The belief that a single large win can offset prior losses fuels this compulsion, and can lead to serious financial difficulties.

Guilt and shame: A study published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction found that a person’s level of guilt and shame is correlated with how severe their gambling addiction is. Those who experience these emotions find it difficult to control their gambling activities and may feel remorseful for the time and money they’ve wasted.

Managing gambling addiction requires patience and self-control. A good way to start is by acknowledging that you have a problem and making a plan to change your habits. You can also use the GamCare online assessment tool to gauge your level of problem gambling. This tool asks questions about your gambling habits and provides a personalised report that will help you understand the issues you face.

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