Slot-Based Scheduling
A slot is a continuous opening between two rails. It can have various functions. A grip for a car, for example, passes through a slot in the rail to connect with a traveling cable. Another example is a trapdoor, for instance in a theater or on a dress. Another uses for a slot include a hole or casing prepared to receive a string.
A slot-based schedule can help organizations organize multiple deadlines, while maintaining consistency in workflow. It can also be used by professionals to assign tools and resources for important projects. It can also help teams manage their time and ensure that they are progressing toward important business goals. By creating a slot-based schedule, a team can make better use of their time and get more done in a shorter amount of time.
Slot machines accept coins and paper tickets with bar-codes. The mechanism is operated with a lever or button. When a winning combination is struck, credits are awarded based on the paytable. Depending on the theme, the symbols on the slot machine can vary, though common symbols include a lucky seven, a bell, and fruits. Bonus features are also often aligned with the theme.
Slot machine technology has continued to evolve and become more complex. Some machines now feature more than ten symbols. Some of these machines are computer-controlled.